5月27日(金) 12:30~16:30
『水都おおさか 道頓堀どまんなかツアー』
5月27日(金) 12:30~16:30
『水都おおさか 道頓堀どまんなかツアー』
「大阪ってどんなところ?」 あなたの疑問にお答えします!! ■ツアー内容 募集人数40名 お一人様(特別料金)2,500円 12:30 大阪駅1番ホーム集合 ※集合時間13:00⇒12:30に前倒し (USJ方面を向き、ホーム最先端で集合) 13:30 ユニバーサルポート出航 15:00 湊町ポート到着 15:10 道頓堀界隈 法善寺横丁 よしもとグランド花月 16:30 黒門市場で解散 |
ボートの「屋根がフルオープン」で薫風感じます! 大阪のど真中をリバークルーズ。いつもとは違う大阪を発見するはず。 なんとボートは屋根がスライドしてフルーオープンに。 低い橋をくぐるときは、なんと橋の下に手が届きビックリぽん。 |
世界一になった「箕面ビール」でうるおいます! 落語家と乗船し笑いある時間はもちろん、 船内では大阪北部産地の箕面ビールを販売します! 6年連続世界のコンクールで金賞受賞したビールを是非味わってや。 |
「ウォーキングツアー」で食します! 「大阪の台所」と呼ばれる黒門市場にも立寄り、 大阪ローカルフードをたべまっせ。 ※ 吉本新喜劇はお土産やさん・トイレ休憩・たこ焼きのみです。 喜劇は観覧いたしません。 |
Authentic River Tour
Friday, May 27 12:30 to 16:30
We have organized a special tour!
『Suito OSAKA Authentic River Tour』
※Meet at JR Osaka platform No. 1
Loop line Uchimawari line top(Western edge)
※This is a Baggage-Free Tour.
You can drop off your luggage
at Universal City Port
and pick it up at Osaka International House.
Friday, May 27 12:30 to 16:30
We have organized a special tour!
『Suito OSAKA Authentic River Tour』
■Tour content Up to 40 peaple Special Boat Rate 2,500yen 12:30 Meet at JR Osaka platform No. 1 (home of the end ,facing USJ direction) 13:30 Embarkation at Universal City Port 15:00 DISEMBARKATION at Minatomachi Port 15:10 Walking Tour in Doutonbori Houzenji Yokocho Yoshimoto Grand Kagetsu (Souvenir shop) 16:30 Ends at “Kuromon” Market |
Loop line Uchimawari line top(Western edge)
※This is a Baggage-Free Tour.
You can drop off your luggage
at Universal City Port
and pick it up at Osaka International House.
Major Highlights
Major Highlights①
From the open roof of the boat, balmy breeze can be felt. River cruise in the heart of Osaka. A completely new Osaka experience is awaiting you. Not just that, the roof of the boat is sliding type and hence can be opened completely. When going under a low bridge, you are bound to be surprised to find your hands almost touching the bridge roof. |
Major Highlights②
Drinking the Minoh Beer which has been awarded the best beer the best local-crafted beer in the world. Enjoy the boat journey filled with laughter with the Rakugoka (Japanese Sit-down comedic storyteller). The sale of the Minoh beer, a product of Northern Osaka, will be held inside the boat. Do not miss the chance to taste the world class beer that won the Golden award at the world beer competition for 6 consecutive years. |
Major Highlights③
Eating at the "Walking Tour" We will stop by at Kuromon Market, also called "Osaka's Kitchen", where you can try many local delicacies of Osaka. ※We will stop at Yoshimoto Shinkigeki only to check the souvenir shops, for toilet break and TakoYaki (Octopus filled ball shaped snack). There is no plan to view the comedy skit. |
5月28日(土) 18:30~21:00
豪華絢爛、天井高6.9mの圧倒的な開放感を持つ大宴会場にて開催! 天井に輝く宇宙をイメージした絢爛たるシャンデリアが、上質な雰囲気を演出。 幻想的な大阪城の夜景まで楽しめる最高のロケーションで、コース料理を堪能しよう!! |
関西で有名な柿の葉すしと、ポルトガル生まれの美味しいスイーツ、エッグタルトが協賛として無償提供されます! パーティー会場でGETしよう!! ※柿の葉すし 限定200個! エッグタルト 限定 |
ラッフルの大抽選会 開催! 1枚 500円、何枚でもOK。 わくわくお宝をゲットしよう!! ※ラッフルは事前購入です。購入方法は以下の2通り。 ・大会申し込み →お申し込みはこちら ・事前ディビジョンコンテストでの現金販売 (※ディビジョンコンテストでの販売は関西エリアのみ) |
Welcome Party
Saturday, May 28 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
will be held at the KKR hotel close to the Osaka Castle.
Let us enjoy the food, drinks, and the conversation while viewing the illuminated Osaka Castle at night.
will be held at the KKR hotel close to the Osaka Castle.
Let us enjoy the food, drinks, and the conversation while viewing the illuminated Osaka Castle at night.
Major Highlights
Major Highlights①
The party will be held in a grand, gorgeous banquet hall with a 6.9 m high ceiling which makes you feel rich and relaxed. The beautifully shining chandeliers create high-class luxurious atmosphere. Let us enjoy the course menu to our hearts’ content, enjoying a fantastic night-view of the Osaka Castle. |
Major Highlights②
Kakinoha-Sushi (sushi wrapped with a persimmon leaf) and Egg Tart (sweets) will be offered us at the party by some supporting companies. Kakinoha-sushi is famous in the Kansai area. ※Persimmon leaf sushi : Limited to 200 pieces. Egg tart : Available in limits. |
Major Highlights③
Raffle prizes are another attraction at the party. The raffle ticket is 500 yen each. To buy it, please write how many tickets you want to buy in the blank box of the Spring Conference Application Form sent by Peatix and pay for it together with other contest fees. Then on the day, your reserved tickets will be handed to you. ※The raffles will be sold in advance. Please purchase when applying for the contest participation or directly at the Area, Division Contest. →for applying, please click here The pre-sales at the Area, Division contest will be held only in Kansai area. |
①5/28(土) 柿の葉すし弁当が注文出来ます。 ※限定100個です!!
Peatixにて販売 850円(税込) →お申し込みはこちら
②5/29(日) サンドイッチ弁当が注文出来ます。 ※限定100個です!!
Peatixにて販売 550円(税込) →お申し込みはこちら
③大阪国際交流センターホテル、『レストランラフィナート』でランチバイキング 1,299円(11時~14時)
①5/28(土) 柿の葉すし弁当が注文出来ます。 ※限定100個です!!
Peatixにて販売 850円(税込) →お申し込みはこちら
②5/29(日) サンドイッチ弁当が注文出来ます。 ※限定100個です!!
Peatixにて販売 550円(税込) →お申し込みはこちら
③大阪国際交流センターホテル、『レストランラフィナート』でランチバイキング 1,299円(11時~14時)
Lunch and Dinner Information
①Saturday, May 28 You can order Persimmon Kakinoha-Sushi lunch box. ※Limited to 100 boxes!!
Order on Peatix at 850 yen (including tax) →Registration
②Sunday, May 29 You can order sandwich boxes. ※Limited to 100 boxes!!
Order on Peatix at 550 yen (including tax) →Registration
③Buffet lunch at the restaurant Raffinato at the Hotel International House Osaka for 1,299 yen (11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.)
※Please understand that you may find it hard to secure seats during weekends.
※For reservation, please directly contact the restaurant Raffinato.
Tel: 050-5789-6826 (Restaurant Raffinato)
(when called from overseas +81-50-5789-6826)
①Saturday, May 28 You can order Persimmon Kakinoha-Sushi lunch box. ※Limited to 100 boxes!!
Order on Peatix at 850 yen (including tax) →Registration
②Sunday, May 29 You can order sandwich boxes. ※Limited to 100 boxes!!
Order on Peatix at 550 yen (including tax) →Registration
③Buffet lunch at the restaurant Raffinato at the Hotel International House Osaka for 1,299 yen (11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.)
※Please understand that you may find it hard to secure seats during weekends.
※For reservation, please directly contact the restaurant Raffinato.
Tel: 050-5789-6826 (Restaurant Raffinato)
(when called from overseas +81-50-5789-6826)
大会最終日5月29日(日) 17時~21時まで、大会会場ホテルレストラン ラフィナートで、
黒毛和牛国産ディナーバイキングサラダバー付き 2980円であります。
大会最終日5月29日(日) 17時~21時まで、大会会場ホテルレストラン ラフィナートで、
黒毛和牛国産ディナーバイキングサラダバー付き 2980円であります。
Buffet Dinner on the Final Day of the Conference.
A buffet dinner of kurogewagyu Japanese beef with salad bar is available from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sunday, May 29
for 2,980 yen at the restaurant Raffinato within the conference venue.
A buffet dinner of kurogewagyu Japanese beef with salad bar is available from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sunday, May 29
for 2,980 yen at the restaurant Raffinato within the conference venue.
Best place to chill out near the conference Venue is bar GORKHA BAZAR. http://gorkhabazar.com/english/map.html
返信削除At the popular international bar, communicate with friendly local people.( ^^)/▽☆▽\(^^ ) (booking recommended for lunch as seats are limited)
Hello everyone! I am Mikiko Kudoh by Omotesando Bilingual Toastmasters Club. I will arrive Osaka Sat evening and looking someone to hang out in downtown Osaka. If you have free time, please just let me know. I would like to spend my own time and looking forward to discover the 'Sat night Fever' with new people!! pls email me: plentysoul@gmail.com. Thanks! みなさんこんにちは、表参道バイリンガルのくどうです。28日の夕方大阪へ着きます。土曜日の夜一緒にハングアウトできる人を探しています。トーストのパーティーより個人的に時間を過ごしたい人、よかったらご一緒しませんか?梅田周辺か心斎橋周辺の飲食店でもいいし、楽しく&こじんまりとエキサイティングな時間を満喫しましょう!ご一緒できる方、plentysoul@gmail.comまで貴方のクラブ名とともにお気軽に連絡下さい。お待ちしてます!